
Calling all Young Organists! Come to Atlanta AGO 2020 for free

The Young Organist Task Force of the Atlanta AGO 2020 Steering Committee is excited to offer 12 full scholarships to the 2020 National Convention. These scholarships will cover registration, housing at the convention hotel (double occupancy), two meals (Wednesday dinner and Friday dinner), and the transportation package for convention events.

Candidates must be under 30 at the time of registration and must write an essay on the following prompt: In 500 words or less – How does attending this, or future, AGO conventions benefit you as a young organist? (i.e. What parts of an AGO convention are most beneficial to your professional development? What events at an AGO convention are you most likely to attend? What makes an AGO convention unique from a denominational convention like PAM, FUMMWA, AAM, etc.)

The twelve highest-ranking essays will receive convention hotel cost (half of a double occupancy room), transportation package, Wednesday and Friday evening meals, and registration fee covered.

Submissions are due February 15th and scholarship winners will be notified by February 29th

Please contact Caitlin Dowling with any questions at

Please Upload Essay (.doc, docx, .pdf - max file 1mb)